A downloadable game

The men of the sea arrived showing what domination was: faith, law and king. Those three words were spreading like the plague. Amidst the chaos, awaken your powers from the forest and chase the fearsome invaders away.


W - Move Forward

A - Move to the left

S - Move Backward

D - Move to the right

SHIFT - To interact

SPACEBAR - To jump | double jump

ESC - To pause


RMB - Prepare the arrow

LMB - Takes the shot

C - Activate magic

Q | E - Side dashboard

A Lenda de Hayhu is a project that started in college as the final work of the 3D FPS at ECDD/INFNET. Developed by Unreal engine.


Game designer and Programmer: Luma Wanderley de Oliveira

Game designer and 3D artist: Rafael Miranda da Cunha


Cleber Freitas

Felipe Carreiro

Italo Nievinsky

This game, by Luma Wanderley de Oliveira and Rafael Miranda da Cunha, is licensed with a License

Creative Commons - Atribuição 4.0 Internacional (CC BY 4.0).

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